Monday, January 30, 2012

Lol Gamestop...

Okay, before I share what I found today, I should prelude it with some information:

In case you weren't aware, Gamestop bought out the digital games distributor Impulse, and from that union was born a mutant Gamestop digital games distribution baby. It's kind of like Steam, only really, really bad. That said, they do have constant, daily deals, which they remind you about with a little desktop pop-up in the lower right corner, and I've gotten a handful of games through the service without too much of a hassle. Plus, the fact that my purchases add points to my Gamestop rewards card is also a rather good motivator for me to purchase through them.

Now that you know what I'm talking about, see if you can find what's hilarious in this image:

This is a screenshot of my laptop when I turned it on a few minutes ago. I was greeted warmly by the news that the Steam wannabe service was now carrying what we've all been waiting for: Steam games!

Don't get me wrong; it's a good idea for Gamestop to try and carry everything a PC gamer would want, and any PC gamer can tell you that Valve's games are simply better on PC than anywhere else. But these games are also native to Steam, and download through Steam, and go on ridiculous sales through Steam all the time. How many PC gamers honestly will see this news and think, "Oh, Gamestop's carrying Valve games? I gotta pick those up!" Plus, if they download and install the same way all the other Gamestop games do, using their service will a) download slower, and b) install outside of Steam, causing you to have to shove it into your library as a non-Steam game. It kinda defeats the point of whatever sale you got it for, right?

Side note: Isn't my new laptop sexy? It's nice actually having Windows 7 for once, instead of disguising XP in a Win7 Halloween costume.

For the sake of comparison, this is what my old lappy's desktop looked like, before I pretty much left it for dead:

Sometimes I actually kinda miss my old hunk of junk, and how much trial and error had to go into just making the software look pretty.

...but then I look at my new one and I totally forget about it.

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