Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Survey for the cool people.

I'm new to this hosting a blog thing, as I've made perfectly clear in just about every post I've made so far. But while I'm pondering where to go with this thing, I did have something to ask anyone who's interested in following my online adventures and participating in whatever I eventually start up...

What sorts of things would pique your interest and cause you to check back more often? This isn't necessarily for the sake of "popularity"; I simply want to make an engaging experience that people will not only enjoy, but want to check back on their own, and often. So here are some ideas I'm tossing around:

  1. Twitter. Much as I despise the sheer concept of Twitter, I've found that pretty much everyone noteworthy has one, and it's a very easy way to build some sort of popularity among people. I think it's due to our society's extremely low attention span, but... eh, that's a conversation for another day. I'm open to actually using mine now if people will follow it.
  2. Videos. I have a capture card that I never use and Magix's most recent video-editing software, which I barely use. I've always wanted to start making stupid Youtube videos, possibly videogame AMVs, but never got around to actually setting up shop to do so. If these would be entertaining for you guys, though, I have the time to make it work right now. Any idea on what videos you'd want?
  3. Gaming updates. Much like what I tried to do with my C2C back in the day, I'm thinking of promoting a certain game I'm wanting to play, and offer any readers the chance to play with me if they wish. People took me up on the offer during Left 4 Dead 2 week, but other than that, it never really saw much popularity. So if people are wanting to see what I'm playing and possibly play with me, I can make updates and give on-the-fly impressions when new games come out, etc. But only if that's something you guys want.
  4. Art shows. I do a lot with Photoshop nowadays, even though I'm no professional. Maybe I could make a post every now and then showing what I've done in GFX, or sharing what downright gorgeous work I've found online. I love visual media, and even though I can't really create much, if this is something readers like, then you know I'll deliver.

Anyway, that's pretty much it. Comment with ideas and I'll be sure to accommodate. I'm planning on making a longer post tonight on a topic that's pretty important to me; watch for it!

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Welcome to Staindgrey's gaming, etc. blog! Be sure to check out this post to help determine what's in store for this blog!