About Grey


I'm Staindgrey, videogame aficionado and former administrator/writer for AllisBrawl.com. While my interest in Super Smash Bros. Brawl quickly waned, my overall interests in the gaming community and creative writing didn't. So, I've created a new outlet for my passions, and you're lookin' at it.

What am I looking for in making this blog? Well, partially, an outlet. I'm a very opinionated person, one who likes to think way too deeply on a subject and then present his findings in a violent assault on whatever possibly willing ears happen to be in my immediate vicinity. I've spent far too much time on forums campaigning for knowledge and community involvement, and it came to a point that I realized I could better focus my time on something that could eventually bear fruit. Through this blog, I'm hoping to build a community, gather a following, and (hopefully) springboard my way to a job with one of the big boys in the gaming journalism field. This, of course, is far off in the future. For now, I'm just hoping to get enough regular readers to keep me from thinking I'm talking to myself in these blog posts.

In case you're looking for semi-memorable trivia on the guy behind the blog, I can oblige. It's really not all that interesting:

  • The name "Grey" comes from my middle name. It's cooler than the rest of my name, so I stick to it.
  • I'm 23 years-old, out of college, working in electronics and clothing retail (not together), and I'm looking to start making money through videogame journalism. Eventually.
  • I currently live just outside of Portland, OR, the weirdest place in the United States. I've spent most of my life in southern/central Ohio, though, so expect that mentioned a lot. I love my home state.
  • I have a lot of interests outside of gaming, including novels, movies, music and everyday news and events-- though I'll rarely blog about them unless there's something I just can't keep to myself.
  • I love all kinds of music, but my favorite genre specifically is grunge and post-grunge. The entire Seattle scene of the 1990's is, IMO, the best music ever created. Expect to see me blog about videogame OSTs and fan creations often.
  • Favorite gaming franchises: Resident Evil, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Gears of War, Super Smash Bros., Metroid, Legend of Zelda, old Super Mario Bros., Street Fighter, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Heavy Rain, Bionic Commando, Left 4 Dead, Alan Wake, Heroes of Might and Magic, Portal, Pikmin, Silent Hill, NiGHTS, Jet Set Radio, Scribblenauts, and... more to come, I'm sure.

If you happen to to have any questions, feel free to post them in the comments section. I'll pretty much always answer.

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Welcome to Staindgrey's gaming, etc. blog! Be sure to check out this post to help determine what's in store for this blog!