Suggestion Box

Since this blog is young (and I'm still very new to it), there is still a VAST amount of room for improvement, and to grow. The goal with this blog is to expand and reach as many computer monitors, smart phones or tablets as possible, and to make that happen, we need cool ideas.

So, here's the deal:

Post a comment on this page if you have a snappy new idea, or complaint, or suggestion for something to be altered or outright changed. Don't like the layout? Say so. Think there isn't enough content that you were wanting to see? Ask for it. Have a specific topic you'd like to be discussed in a blog post? Give me a link and a sentence and I assure you, I can make a five page essay on the thing by the end of the night.

I want to make this into something special, something that has people checking back daily. With any luck, 14,000 Shades of Grey can start getting ad space, possibly even be re-blogged on some of the big boy sites. If you like what you read here, help us all achieve that goal.

Go team Grey!


  1. Make this blog the best.

  2. The Poliwhirl costume should help.

  3. True.

    Maybe I should make an "Obnoxious Places" page? For old time's sake? Totally not narcissistic at all.


Got something to say? Say it.

Welcome to Staindgrey's gaming, etc. blog! Be sure to check out this post to help determine what's in store for this blog!